November 2023 Press Release
The International Group for Hydraulic Efficiency Measurement (IGHEM) is Preparing for Its Next Conference
The International Group for Hydraulic Efficiency Measurement (IGHEM) is having its biennial conference at the University of British Columbia, Vancouver, British Columbia Canada. Please mark your calendars for August 12 through 14 2024. The conference will be organized by Jan Buermans of ASL AQFlow Inc., with the support of the IGHEM committee. The conference will focus on the experimental, theoretical and computational approaches enhancing measurements in hydro power plants with topics that include for example, Application of AI in the field of turbine monitoring, Case studies of efficiency measurements, Importance of the efficiency evaluation of hydro power plants and hydro systems, and many more. To find out more details about the conference topics please visit our website here: IGHEM 2024 website
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January 2023 Press Release
Acoustic Scintillation Flow Meter Used for Flow Measurements at the Beaucaire Bulb Turbine Hydropower Plant, France
ASL AQFlow is pleased to announce that our Acoustic Scintillation Flow Meter (ASFM) is being used by the Compagnie Nationale du Rhône (CNR) to conduct flow measurements at the Beaucaire Hydropower Plant on the Rhône River in France as part of an electrical production optimization program. This site generates approximately 210 MW of hydroelectricity from six bulb turbines. Figure 1 shows the instrumented frame that is lowered into the hydroelectric plant intake to the turbine and is equipped with an ASFM array that measures flow across 30 paths. Prior to this installation, the ASFM was successfully deployed at the Châteauneuf-du-Rhône, Montélimar-Henri-Poincaré- hydroelectric plant, another of CNR’s facilities on the Rhône River. The quality of the data collected at this site was considered very high and results were repeatable with an average uncertainty of roughly 0.4%.
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January 2022 Press Release
Acoustic Scintillation Flow Method Mentioned in Recent American Society of Mechanical Engineers Performance Test Code Document
The acoustic scintillation method for measuring turbine discharge, used by ASL AQFlow’s Acoustic Scintillation Flow Meter (ASFM) has been mentioned in the latest American Society of Mechanical Engineers Performance Test Code (ASME PTC 18-2020) for Hydraulic Turbines and Pump-Turbines. Although the method has not yet been adopted into code, it is being evaluated for future code releases. Acoustic scintillation is considered to be a permissible technique to measure hydroelectric turbine discharge when those testing understand and agree on its use, or use this technique in conjunction with a code-approved method. A detailed explanation of how the method works and guidance on its use appears in the nonmandatory appendix C section of this code document.
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September 2021 Press Release
Acoustic Scintillation Flow Meter Installation Replaces
Over-Velocity Detection System at BC Hydro’s Wahleach Project
ASL AQFlow’s Acoustic Scintillation Flow Meter (ASFM) has been installed at the BC Hydro’s Wahleach project near Hope, BC, as a replacement to an existing Over-Velocity Detection System (OVDS). Hydroelectric operations use these detection systems in order to detect if the tunnel or penstock downstream of the intake has a leak or rupture. In such cases, intake gates are closed to prevent uncontrolled release of water that can be potentially dangerous for the public and may cause damage to properties and infrastructure.
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July 2017 Newsletter
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July 2013 Newsletter
Upgrade to Nova Scotia Power ASFM
AQFlow-EdF-Hydro Quebec Partnership
4th Workshop on Turbine Flow Measurement
AQFlow and trhe ASME and IEC Code Committees
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July 2012 Newsletter
ASFM in three more comparison tests:
Frieira HPP, Spain – Gas Natural Fenosa
Slapy HPP, Czech Republic
Vaugris Dam, France – CNR
July 2011 Newsletter
July 2010 Newsletter
CEATI and PTC-18 Flow Comparison test results
30-Path ASFM sold to CNR France
AQFlow at upcoming conferences
July 2009 Newsletter
August 2007 Newsletter
2006 Newsletter
2005 Newsletter
flow measurements in difficult hydraulic
conditions at TW Sullivan
Plant, Oregon, USA
- Turbine
testing with several flow measurement systems
at Lower Granite Dam, WA
ASFM at Wells Dam, WA, USA
June 2004 ~ Newsletter
November 2003 ~ Newsletter
- AQFlow in Croatia
- Latest CFD
July 2003 ~ Newsletter
Douglas County PUD buys ASFM Advantage for Wells Dam
Plant Efficiency at Little Goose Dam
CFD Modeling
Measurements at Hydro Kennebec
January 2003 ~ Newsletter
March 2002 ~ Newsletter
August 2001~ Newsletter
- WaterPower
- ASL AQFlow
service contracts
- Other Hydro
May 2001~ Newsletter
- Resolving uncertainties of the flow rate measurement
- Nova Scotia
Power and the ASFM Advantage